Residential Windows
Windows themselves have come a long-long way…from Mosaic glass, to leaded crystal glass, to sheet glass single pane. In fact it was in 1902 when a sheet glass machine was finally created to make the glass for windows. Now we have double pane and even triple pane. Having argon gas filled in-between the panes of insulated glass to reduce the potential of outside air temperature to move into the inside of your home due to convection. Having a “low emissivity coating” to create an incredible R-value. What we have now are highly energy efficient & Energy Star rated windows. Now that’s coming a long way! There may be some fantastic Federal Tax Credits for YOU because of your new energy star rated windows (and more). Click on my blog to read more.
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- Low Maintenance, Easy to Clean, Rot Resistant, Vinyl Frames
- Tax Credits May Be Available
- Save Money On Your Heating Bill with Energy Efficient Windows
- Affordable Window Choices with Several Colors to Choose From
- Fantastic Warranty!
So lets talk about the windows of today.

Beautiful vinyl shake siding on the bay area with contrasting horizontal vinyl siding on the side make for a beautiful finished home!
You have many options for your home and certainly I need to mention the incredible “grids” that you can have installed in-between the pains of the insulated glass. These are typically thin white vinyl bars that appear to divide the window up into smaller panes. The looks can be amazing and can play a significant part in the aesthetics-feature of the outside of your home. OK, the inside too!
So what do you purchase for your home? The best “bang for your buck,” “the most affordable choice.” Most people today would agree that the vinyl window frame system fits the bill. Interestingly the vinyl framed window was introduced in the USA in 1959 but they really didn’t take a front seat over aluminum until the 1980’s.
Please call 509-535-1566 or click here to fill out some contact information and have one of our experienced window professionals contact you.
- If you have a home with (older) aluminum frames you may have noticed that when you get close to them when it’s cold out, you can feel the cold almost reaching right out to grab you! Today, we replace these windows with the vinyl frame and then make up a nice energy efficient “energy star rated” insulated window for you.

Nice combination! Vinyl siding, vinyl energy star rated windows. Aluminum window trim, aluminum soffit and fascia. Little to no maintenance forever!
Vinyl framed insulated windows give you natural light where you want it and because of the overall R-value rating due to the low e glass makeup (having a U-factor of 0.30 or less, the lower the number the more energy efficient the glass is), you’re still getting good insulation around your home. Additionally, the vinyl frames inside your home are actually warm to the touch even when it’s cold outside. Pair the vinyl frame and the insulated glass up and you have two wonderful products together and you have a low maintenance, energy efficient, energy star rated, heat saving, rot resistant, never paint again investment for your home.
Please call 509-535-1566 or click here to go to our contact us page and we will get right back to you.
Egress Windows
Egress Windows in a basement can be quite essential for safety and for evacuation of the home should there be a fire downstairs. Especially if the only way out of the basement was going up the steps to the main house where you came down. If there was a fire downstairs and it was blocking the upstairs steps, the fire has completely engulfed that one and only escape route, WHAT WOULD YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE DO? Sure, there may be some really small windows in each of the rooms down stairs but could you actually climb out of one of these windows OR could a small child climb up to that six feet off the ground, nailed-shut, wood-swelled, stuck-shut, spider web infested window and climb out in the first place in a panic situation? Sadly, probably not!
Please call us at 509-535-1566 or click here and fill out the contact us information, someone will get right back to you to talk about fixing that problem downstairs.

Vinyl siding, vinyl energy star rated casement window. Egress window well for emergency exit. Well-metal grate over the top to prevent accidental falling into the well!
So there lies some serious problems.
- First of all, the windows in the basement (if there are any) are too small for anybody to squeeze out through.
- Secondly, the window-opening is too far off the ground for a person to climb out.
- So you need a window opening that must be close enough to the floor for a small child to be able to climb up onto the window ledge AND then be able to easily open the window and get out…(and in a panic!)
- Egress windows have a huge role in safety but they also have other features too.
- Having an egress window installed in your basement, (typically in a bedroom) should add more value to your home provided this new egress window meets your cities code.
- If you add a closet in this room then you have essentially added an additional “legal bedroom” to your home.
Egress windows also add an incredible amount of light into a room as well. Airflow is increased, when the window is open too. There are strict measurements to an egress window opening size as well as the strict height off the finished-carpeted floor to the top of the actual window frame opening. Do not get this wrong!
“Your project could and probably will be bumped by the city or county if these exact measurements are not met!”
Installing an egress window is not an easy task from start to finish so if someone tells you it’s simple, there’s the first red flag!
Just to sum it up here, You have underground utilities, electric, gas, water, sprinklers to confirm they are not in the way. You have to get a permit (always, and make sure you see the permit and that you are there when the city inspects) because you are “taking away some potential strength to what is holding your house up” by cutting a large piece of concrete out of your foundation. There is something called a “header” to replace this missing concrete and this needs to be engineered correctly so as to not to have some sort of foundation mishap! This could greatly interfere with your insurance for a claim and of course safety. Then you have potential water infiltration because you have dug a hole deep down in the ground, plus what about the inside finish work and lastly, what about the outside Window Well? Couldn’t someone fall into this hole? Something may be needed to protect someone from falling into this Window Well “hole” that leads to your egress window. It’s called a well-grate FYI. So hire a professional…Hire Inland Roofing & Supply. Please call 509-535-1566 or click here to have one of our professional egress window people come out and talk with you about making your basement safe for all.