Moss removal

Don’t let your roof get “taken over” by moss. Moss shortens the life of your roof. Hire a professional to access the best action to take.
or Algae removal is something to consider because over time, it can destroy your roofing shingles.
- Moss or Algae which is usually a green or yellowish color starts to grow on your roof, usually caused by the lack of sun by trees, branches or large bushes and maybe even buildings that block the sun and of course if part of your roof faces North where less sun shines direct on your roof. Moss needs a reason to grow! Growing moss traps moisture and this moss can continue to spread across your roof and can eventually lead to a decomposition of your roofing shingles OR wood shake roof as well.
Your roof can be a very dangerous and slippery place to get up on so if you feel there is a need to have moss removal from your roof, some advice would be to call a professional like Inland Roofing & Supply. Click here to have us contact you to assess your roof. We have the right equipment, the products and experience for moss removal…Gravity is an unforgiving force (you you slip up on your roof and you don’t want to mess with the force yourself!
Depending of course on the steepness of your roof, Inland Roofing can come out and effectively remove or apply a solution to help kill the existing moss from your roof. Once this moss removal process is completed there are measures to take for the future to reduce the Moss build up.
- An annual preventative spray. (some chemicals that kill vegetation can also kill your flowers too so be careful)
- A powder mix of Oxygen bleach sprayed over the roofing surface
- Zinc strips that are installed just under the top row of shingles below the ridge-cap. (again, be aware though that these zinc strips can kill vegetation like your flowers or whatever is in the surrounding areas where water splash from your roof will reach) but these zinc strips will reduce future moss and algae growth.
Inland Roofing does carry new asphalt-granulated and laminated-architectural roofing shingles with special Algae-block that is blended into the new roofing shingles so help could be a simple roof replacement away!
Call us 509-535-1566 or use our contact form to have one of our professionals contact you about your moss removal reeds.